Maria-Thérèse Sommar, fotograf, frilansskribent och författare.
Ej körkortsfoto! Ej fotostudio.
No ID / passport photos. No studio.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
stuff about me since I don't want to do my taxes / saker om mig eftersom jag inte vill räkna ut moms
Since I'm in the midst of preparing for doing my taxes - I'm currently in the state of avoidance - and since I'm suffering interview withdrawal, I took these questions from LadyFi and decided to answer them. Perhaps you want to answer them too?
Eftersom jag håller på att förbereda mig för att göra skattedeklaration (befinner mig just nu i stadiet då jag undviker det hela) - och eftersom jag lider av intervjuabstinens tog jag dessa frågor från LadyFi och svarade på dem. Kanske ni också har lust att svara? Nu översätter jag inte; det beror på att jag är taskig och på att jag faktiskt måste göra den där momsen. Alldeles strax. Nu börjar jag.
Answer all the questions with just one word. It's not as easy as you think!!
Where is your cell phone? bed?
Your significant other? me
Your hair? wet
Your favorite thing? art
Your dream last night? butterfly on my mother's veranda talking to me about how much it sucked to only live for 20 - 24 hours and have to fit an entire life into one single day. Then I found my favourite kind of chocolate on sale.
Your favorite drink? coffee
Your dream/goal? success
What room are you in? studio
Your hobby? films
Where do you want to be in 6 years? supersuccessful
Where were you last night? studio
Something that you aren't? lazy
Favorite Muffins? chocolate
Wish list item? travel
Last thing you did? blogreading
What are you wearing? pink
TV? crime
Your pets? tiny-green-horse
Friends? select
Your life? exciting
Your mood? well, I'm not in the mood to do taxes
Missing someone? maybe
Drinking? coffee?
Your car? excellent
Something you're not wearing? sleeves
Your favorite store? Jam (Rome)
Your favorite color? yellow
When is the last time you cried? don't know?
Who will resend this? ?
My favorite place to eat? Rome
Favorite place I'd like to be at right now? secret
© Copyright © Maria-Thérèse Sommar unless otherwise noted.