Maria-Thérèse Sommar, fotograf, frilansskribent och författare.
Ej körkortsfoto! Ej fotostudio.
No ID / passport photos. No studio.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Slightly bizarre travel advice / Märkliga restips i Allt om resor

The following travel tips were published in a Swedish travel magazine. Pretty strange, don't you think? 
Följande restips är publicerade i nyaste numret av Allt om resor. Lite konstiga, kanske? 

The first one is about photography. "A picture of a cheetah on top of a termite mound, for instance, will be more dramatic if you move the cheetah to either side of the frame." Geez, it's good to read advice that anyone will be able to benefit from.
Första rådet är om fotografering. Det blir alltså en bättre bild om man flyttar geparden till endera sidan av bildrutan när man fotograferar en gepard på en termitstack. Bra med råd som alla kan ha nytta av!

Swedish people should buy their mascara in New York and save 39 percent.

"To avoid stress, start packing your bag before you've booked your trip."
Packa redan innan man bokat resa, jahaja.

Drink coffee made with beans pooped out by animals called luwaks. Um, no thanks.
Jag vill inte dricka bajskaffe.

"Real Icelanders want properly rotted shark."

And my favourite:
Och min favorit:

"Did you know that... in order to get rid of mosquitos in your hotel room at night, turn the light on before you leave the room. This will make little lizards come out to eat the mosquitoes. And once you return from dinner - tadaaa, the mosquitoes are gone!"

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