When you celebrate midsummer in Sweden you normally hear the sound of people singing songs such as Små grodorna (little frogs) and people laughing and drinking. Today we celebrated midsummer at my aunt's house and what we heard was a high, beeping sound which simply wouldn't stop. It was momtentarily drowned by laughter and people talking but when we all went into the kitchen it became unbearably loud.
We shushed each other and tiptoed around to locate the source of the beeping. Telephones, dishwasher, water pipes - nothing. Until my sister opened a small door under the kitchen sink. Something was beeping in the garbage?
A very brave woman emptied the garbage outdoors and what she found, amidst a lot of leftovers, was a hearing aid belonging to one of the guests! He laughed so hard and promised to leave the hearing aid to my sister in his will because she was the one who found it. Strangely enough he didn't seem to miss it - and what's even better, he didn't have to listen to the high beeping sound.
We shushed each other and tiptoed around to locate the source of the beeping. Telephones, dishwasher, water pipes - nothing. Until my sister opened a small door under the kitchen sink. Something was beeping in the garbage?
A very brave woman emptied the garbage outdoors and what she found, amidst a lot of leftovers, was a hearing aid belonging to one of the guests! He laughed so hard and promised to leave the hearing aid to my sister in his will because she was the one who found it. Strangely enough he didn't seem to miss it - and what's even better, he didn't have to listen to the high beeping sound.
det magiska huset där vi firade midsommar
När man firar midsommar brukar man ofta höra sånger som Små grodorna, höra folk prata och skratta, dricka. När vi idag firade midsommar hos min ena moster hörde vi mest ett högt pipljud som inte gav med sig. Det dränktes bland skratt och röster ett tag men när alla gick in i köket blev ljudet ännu högre.
Vi hyssjade åt varandra och började smyga omkring för att lokalisera källan till det höga, pipande ljudet. Telefoner, diskmaskin, vattenrör kontrollerades - förgäves. Tills min syster öppnade en liten skåpdörr under diskbänken. Någonting pep i soporna.
En modig kvinna tömde soporna ute på marken och började rota runt. Där, mitt bland en massa matrester, fanns en hörapparat som tillhörde en av gästerna! Han skrattade så mycket när han såg den och har nu testamenterat den till min syster för att det var hon som hittade den. Underligt nog verkade han klara sig väldigt bra utan den - och dessutom slapp han höra pipljudet.
Photos by my mum, my sister and me