Fotograf, bröllopsfotograf Härnösand, Sundsvall, Höga kusten. Maria-Thérèse Sommar, fotograf, frilansskribent och författare.
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torsdag 16 april 2009

Things we do in the forest / Saker vi gör i skogen

Last weekend we had a little Easter party in the forest by my aunt's house. There were cookies. There were mysterious dishes prepared over a fire. There were veggie sausages and soft thin bread baked by my aunt and uncle. We had fun.

I'm now going to teach you a few Swedish words.

Kaffekask = coffee with a bit of booze in it
Tunnbröd = thin, white, delicious bread, can be either crisp or soft
Kolbulle = "coal bun", white flour and water mixed and cooked over an open fire for the sake of nostalgia, mixed with pork for those who eat animals, served with lingonberry jam
Lingonsylt = lingonberry jam

sister and veggie sausage

kolbulle med lingonsylt

Förra helgen hade vi ett litet påskkalas i skogen vid min mosters hus. Det fanns kakor. Det fanns underlig mat som lagades över öppen eld. Det fanns sojakorvar och tunnbröd bakat av moster och hennes man. Det fanns kaffekask. Det var skoj.

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