Maria-Thérèse Sommar, fotograf, frilansskribent och författare.
Ej körkortsfoto! Ej fotostudio.
No ID / passport photos. No studio.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Macarons, Musée d'Orsay, Tu manges tout seule?

Today I've been to the wonderful Musée d'Orsay and finally seen certain paintings by van Gogh in real life and also Gauguin and many, many others and I have had coffee and the most incredibly good piece of pastry in the luxurious Ladurée - details later when I can upload photos. I also had my very first macaroon. Delicious or overrated? You will receive the review later.

This evening I was quite hungry and went to a restaurant. The waitress asked me about three times if I was going to eat all by myself - Tu manges tout seule? - and then moved me to a table away from the window! The window tables were for those who eat in pairs. Serieusement? I left without saying a word. The restaurant was nearly empty, by the way. I walked across the street and got the best table. Hope they enjoyed watching me spend my money elsewhere! I also believe it would have been appropriate to say vous, not tu.

Now I am off to take some photographs of a carousel in the dark!

Idag har jag varit till det fantastiska Musée d'Orsay och antligen sett vissa malningar av van Gogh i verkligheten, aven Gauguin och manga andra och jag har atit den mest otroliga bakelse pa det lyxiga Ladurée - mer detaljer senare nar jag kan ladda upp bilder. Har ocksa atit min forsta macaron. Delikat eller overskattad? Ni far en recension senare.

I kvall var jag mycket hungrig och gick till en restaurang. Servitrisen fragade ungefar tre ganger om jag skulle ata ensam - Tu manges tout seule? - och flyttade mig darefter fran fonstret till ett samre bord! Fonsterborden var till de som at i par. Serieusement? Jag gick utan att saga ett ord. Restaurangen var nastan tom, forresten. Jag gick ratt over gatan till en annan restaurang och fick utan problem det basta bordet. Hoppas de hade trevligt nar de sag mig spendera pengarna nagon annanstans! Jag tror for ovrigt det hade varit lampligare att kalla mig vous, inte tu.

Nu ska jag ivag och fotografera en karusell i morkret!
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