Stephanie of Narrating Self has given me the Beautiful Blogger Award! Thank you so much! You should have a look at the beautiful drawings on her blog. I am now supposed to tell you seven things you did not know about me, and also pass the award on to seven other bloggers, so here goes:
1. I started school a year early and university 2 years early.
2. I learnt things about language, literature, art history and also how rude people can be when you are very young and academically ahead of them, even though you certainly didn't possess knowledge out of spite.
3. The first day of school I was served blood pudding for lunch. I said I was a vegetarian; cafeteria lady said "This is not meat. This is blood pudding". From that day on, we hated each other.
4. I have never had tea with milk.
5. One of my favourite colour combinations is red and yellow.
6. I tend to feel annoyed when people complain about work when there is no specific problem. There are so many unemployed who would love to have their jobs. Those of us who are lucky enough to have been born here, at least, can get a really good education for free; there is childcare and almost free healthcare. You can choose to do almost anything, so I think that if you can't change your job and don't like it, you should try to do something you really want instead.
7. I find this site really interesting!
1. I started school a year early and university 2 years early.
2. I learnt things about language, literature, art history and also how rude people can be when you are very young and academically ahead of them, even though you certainly didn't possess knowledge out of spite.
3. The first day of school I was served blood pudding for lunch. I said I was a vegetarian; cafeteria lady said "This is not meat. This is blood pudding". From that day on, we hated each other.
4. I have never had tea with milk.
5. One of my favourite colour combinations is red and yellow.
6. I tend to feel annoyed when people complain about work when there is no specific problem. There are so many unemployed who would love to have their jobs. Those of us who are lucky enough to have been born here, at least, can get a really good education for free; there is childcare and almost free healthcare. You can choose to do almost anything, so I think that if you can't change your job and don't like it, you should try to do something you really want instead.
7. I find this site really interesting!
little Maria-Thérèse, photo by mum
Stephanie som skriver bloggen Narrating Self har gett mig utmärkelsen Beautiful Blogger! Tack så mycket! Ta en titt på de fina teckningarna i hennes blogg. Jag ska nu berätta sju saker ni inte visste om mig och skicka vidare till sju andra bloggare.
1. Jag började skolan ett år tidigare och universitetet två år tidigare.
2. Jag lärde mig saker om språk, litteratur, konsthistoria och även att många tycker sig ha rätt att vara oförskämda mot någon som är väldigt ung men ligger före akademiskt, även om man inte skaffat sina kunskaper för att reta upp folk.
3. Första dagen i skolan fick jag blodpudding till lunch. Jag sa att jag var vegetarian; mattanten sa att det inte var kött utan blodpudding. Från den dagen hatade vi varandra.
4. Jag har aldrig druckit té med mjölk.
5. En av mina favoritfärgkombinationer är gult och rött.
6. Jag blir lätt irriterad när folk klagar på sina jobb utan att det är något speciellt problem. Det finns så många arbetslösa som gärna skulle vilja ha deras jobb. Vi som haft tur nog att födas här kan få en bra utbildning gratis och kan välja att göra nästan vad som helst; det finns dagis och billig sjukvård. Jag tycker att om man är missnöjd med sitt jobb, och inte kan förbättra det, ska man försöka göra det man verkligen vill i stället.
7. Jag tycker att den här sidan (klicka) är väldigt intressant!
I would like to pass this on to seven of my newest beautiful blog finds: Catalina, Suzie, Bella, Andrea, a faeritale of inspiration, Fleur Avenue and Trishie.
(Please fetch your award here; right-click and save it.)